the Daily Telegraph – yuks!!!

Only the Daily Telegraph could come up with the kind of humour that mixes blood sport with a nation’s struggle with race-o-phobia. Unless, of course, you think the above line is accidental? If that was the case, we would have to assume that the editors missed this little reference. That somehow the work experience kid was…

Scribla requests an adjournment (update)

Original Story: So back in May, this happened. Apparently, some vandals attacked the Whitehouse Institute of Design, where Tony Abbott’s political-prop offspring Frances was found to have been awarded a once off scholarship worth around $60,000. This pissed off quite a few people due to the questionable legalities of pandering to those in power –…

Hipster power – free energy?

What say we round up the hipsters and convince them that wearing a bridle is the new thing. Then we hook them up to truck bikes for a seriously environment-friendly energy source? Tamed hipsters could be kept in local pens, available for thinkers to use at will, similar to a Go-Get. Short trips might require…

Whitewash. The ABC, conservative Australia, and neglect.

It’s my belief that the ABC has been commandeered by those representing conservative values, and knowingly altered to become an entity that caters only for mainstream, white Australia. There is ample evidence that this is the case; in fact most people I’ve spoken to are not surprised at the idea, and already assume that Australian…

Whitewash – an update…

It’s 2019. Today the Guardian posted an article questioning why we don’t celebrate our Asisan-Australian actors making it big in Hollywood. I’ve been wondering something similar for a while. Back in 2013, while I was sick in bed, I noticed how few non-white faces there were on the telly. I’d been watching all week, and…