Why should the government worry?

figure_head_002Pretty bad week in the polls. If you’re Tony Abbott, that is. 

I mean, just look at the guy. He’s all talk, but no swagger. Or is it all rod, but no fish? You only have to delve into morning television these days to see that a shadow’s being cast upon his once….what?

To look at Tony Abbott and the party he represents is one thing…but to see him as the shining figure-head of what’s truly going on is something else. Because shining figure-heads can do a great job. They draw attention, promise success, and distract from the shitty tapestry in the back.

But they also have a bummer of a habit of getting old real quick. Especially if you ram them hard enough right up the arse of another ship, repeatedly for two terms of government. You can see it on the face of many in the past used for such effect – worry lines and deep fissures begin to show.

Soon enough, though, structural damage is recognised, and the decision is made to remove the compromised piece of lumber from the head of the ship.

If only.

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